1)how often should I check my eyes?
The screening of the eye at regular intervals(although not every
six months ,every year) not only can detect in time any
diseases that reduce vision, but also to identify chronic problems
health start from other organs and systems.
2)What is strabismus?

Myopia is a common refractive error of the eye, due to
anatomical disproportion of. Because of this, the rays of light (the
“idol” which is formed) are not concentrated in the retina,
as it is normal, but at some point in front of him. For
for this reason, the near-sighted cannot see clearly the objects that
they are away, and has not been a problem in the objects that are
Ways to deal with myopia:
(a)glasses that are diverging lenses.
b)contact lenses of different types(soft, ημίσκληροι).
3) Up to what age is rising strabismus?
Myopia is stabilized around 20 years ,but lately we are seeing a
voltage the age limit for the stabilization to dolly up to 28 years.
4) What is hyperopia;
Hyperopia is a condition opposite of myopia. In
this case the eye is very small. Thus, the images are not
formed upon the retina, but at some point behind
him. That's why the people can't see objects clearly
situated close to him ,while he has no problem with those
located away from him.
Addressing the problem is with positive lenses.
5) when it grows hyperopia;
Hyperopia occurs in childhood and continues into adolescence.
Usually accompanies στραβισμούς and after the restoration of strabismus, the
people abandons his glasses.
6) What is presbyopia?
Presbyopia is called the difficulty of a clear focus in close-ups
objects .Presbyopia occurs after the age of 40 years and
completed in 58 years of age .
7) At what age is shown the presbyopia?
Presbyopia is a form of hyperopia, that is a good remote but not
good close-up vision. In women occurs more early, around
forty-against average, while the men three years later, again by means of
condition. As the years go by presbyopia will increase continuously until the
age 55 years old so and stabilized. then begins the
presbyopia is in need of help and in distant vision.
8) I Got a bit of glass from a drummer, and I can see there is a problem?
YES, there is. The glasses that have not passed through any quality control
it is of low quality, and value, of course. Prolonged use of the
can lead to premature increase of presbyopia, etc. There is no
reason to risk your eyesight. The more insurance funds IKA
TEBE PPC BANKS OTE POST offices etc. providing free examination by an ophthalmologist
(so much better than the drummer). And not only that but also provide
every 4 years for the purchase of frame and crystals 100euro per person.
9)What is the πολυεστιακά glasses, because it's expensive?
A πρεσβύωπας need glasses for near and far can
has clear vision close (35εκατ.) and far away (6 meters).Intermediate
distances are unclear. The πολυεστιακά glasses provide sharp vision and
these distances because they have a lot of outbreaks. The adjustment can
to keep five weeks. But then the vision will be clear
everywhere ,I won't forget your glasses since you won't shoot at all. The
cost is not terrible if you think that you are buying only a skeleton
instead of for two you needed to know before plus the assistance of the security
10) What is astigmatism?
Astigmatism is a refractive error in which the light
enters the eye is not focused to a point on the
retina, but in a couple of vertical lines between them. This is as
the result that the patient sees distorted and distant, and
nearby objects. If the astigmatism is small, usually not
it causes problems in vision. In the opposite case, it can be
cause fatigue to the eyes, especially during the use of a computer or
during the reading.
11) Maybe it's the astigmatism for a headache?
Yes it is possible. Astigmatism causes the eye to trying to
focus but don't make it. This effort brings the
headache. With the right medication (a pair of αστιγματικά glasses)
the headaches go away and at the same time improves the vision.
12) what is the proper way of cleaning of sunglasses and optical frames;
The correct way of cleaning of the lens is water and a little
soap, as well as with an anti-fog spray in combination with the soft
cloth that we give you with the purchase of your glasses.
13) Why is it necessary to wear sunglasses?
Is it necessary to wear sunglasses to protect the
our eyes from any damage .The solar radiation is responsible for
various pathological changes in the eyes of us. It is possible the appearance
wrinkle and growths on the eyelids, which may be even
malignant. The sunglasses will necessarily have to bear the CE marking,
namely, that the construction complies with the european requirements
security. Also, you need to absorb 100% of uv radiation
14) Is it necessary to wear sunglasses if cloudy days?
When it's cloudy, the sunlight is just as damaging .Besides, the
genuine sunglasses are designed to protect from
ultraviolet rays UVA and UVB.
 15)What are the degrade lenses?

The lenses are graduated darkness (degrade lenses) are ideal for daily driving, featuring a satisfactory darkness in the upper part, while its lowest points, being ανοικτόχρωμοι, facilitate the vision in the area of the car. 

In no case we can't trust the glasses
sold out of stores optics ,I have gone through quality
control and may cause problems with the vision us.

17) Working with pension funds?
Of course. We work with all insurance funds. If you have any
document of the fund, please report to us on
comments of the order in order to inform you about the
18) When do I need a thinner lenses?
When the degrees of your condition is more than 2 or 3 is good to
buy thinner lenses. The κοκκάλινοι(πάστινοι) skeletons are
ideal to cover the thickness of the lens, while the metal or
skeletons without frame (Grif/Nylor) are not suitable for large numbers
since the aesthetic result will be ugly, unsightly. Option
of course, always remains yours.
19) What are polarized lenses?
The polarized lenses are specially treated lenses which
inside them contain filters. Can and eliminate
reflections, mainly those caused by the sun, after the
rain or snow. This category of lenses for sunglasses
recommended to those who lead many hours.
20) when you need to change the πολυεστιακά glasses;
Presbyopia is a condition that evolves over
time, in ages from 40 up to 60-65 years of age. Starts with +0,50 degrees
first, and reaches in normal cases up to +2,50 degrees in
age of 60-65 years. From 40 to 50 years old, have a change in glasses
every 2-3 years. After the age of 50, this change is about
every 4 years.
21) What is the φωτοχρωμικοί lenses?
The φωτοχρωμικοί lenses have the ability to customize the σκουρότητά
accordingly the brightness of the environment. Is lenses advanced
technology that adapts to any lighting condition. Indoors
areas ,but during the night is totally clear, while
darken depending on the natural lighting in outer space. Offer
100% protection from UV radiation and capable of anti-reflective
coatings protect the lenses from engravings, dirt and dust.
22) What are the disadvantages of multifocal glasses?
To achieve clear vision, the freedom of movement of the eye
limited. For example, the bike will have to do with the
head (and not only with your eyes) a small downward stroke to
look at your hands.
Due to the optical properties of the lens, it takes time to
get used to it. (From one to three days, usually)
The fields of vision in the far and in the walking distance is smaller
from those of μονοεστιακών glasses.
23) What are the advantages of multifocal glasses?
The mid-term vision, which is achieved through the ‘channel’ gives you the
ability of a medium-sized vision that is in no bifocals glasses.
Wear them all day and you don't have to ever take it off for you to wear
other, since they improve the vision at all distances.
You don't have to there are two different glasses (close to and
It is more elegant and elegant than bifocals glasses.
24) What are the anti-reflective coatings;
The antireflective coating is a treatment that is done on the
ocular lenses to eliminate unwanted reflections.
Ensures greater clarity on the vision, giving up to 99%
permeability of light. Anti-reflective coating is useful for
everyone who wears glasses as well as improves vision at night and
it offers comfort for work in front of the computer. Reduces glare,
it offers protection anti-scratch. Also, the coatings do them
lenses look thicker than it really is.
25) What is the Refractive Index of a lens;
It is a technical characteristic of the material of the lens that the change of the
as a result of the change in the thickness. The refractive index for
traditional crystal and traditional organic is about 1.5 .
When you increase this number decreases the thickness of the lens.In the crystals
there are lenses available, with an index of refraction of up to 1.9 and the organic
up to 1.74, while the polycarbonate is available with a refractive index 1.58.

26) What is a cataract?
Waterfall is called the clouding of the crystalline lens is located
inside the eye blurring usually comes from aging while
there are cases where cataracts are congenital (from hereditary
case) , metabolic coming from diabetes or even
When the haze comes from aging will be perceived about the
age of 50-60 years old.
The waterfall is treated only surgically, as well as removed the lens
and placed new covet lens whoever will be permanent.
27) What is the blue coatings;
The technology of blue pavers, you have a special filter
absorption of the blue radiation, provides the ideal protection against
the blue light emitted by all modern electronic devices.
Binds about 97% of the harmful, for the vision and the health of
eye ,radiation, neutralizing the feeling of visual fatigue
caused by continuous and prolonged use increases the
in contrast, while at the same time provides the maximum sharpness,
without the annoying deformities and lesions observed
28) When not to use contact lenses?
The contact lenses give you a much better and wider vision compared with the
use of glasses.
However, it should not be used in any environment.
When there is dust, intense dryness of the environment,
chemical fumes (e.x hair spray) then it is preferable
the use of the glasses to avoid problems.

29) Children's Vision...is Affected by the use of smartophones or
Of course! The continuous stay of children in interiors, in
combination with the use of electronic συκευών, increase the chances of
occurrence of myopia.